Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Vicar Amelia

Vicar Amelia:

Vicar Amelia is a mandatory boss in the Cathedral Ward. Gain one Insight for finding her and three for killing her. Activates the Grand Cathedral Lamp.

Vicar Amelia is a member of the Healing Church and the last Vicar, or head of the Healing Church. She chants while kneeling in front of Laurence's skull, most likely to keep the beasthood at bay. She could possibly be an NPC hunter found in the Hunter's Nightmare praying before the Surgery Altar in her human form.

References and Dialogue:
-"Seek the old blood. Let us pray...let us wish...to partake in communion. Let us partake in communion...and feast upon the old blood. Our thirst for blood satiates us, soothes our fears. Seek the old blood...but beware the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young. The foul beasts will dangle nectar and lure the meek into the depths. Remain wary of the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young. Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented." Vicar Amelia
-"Pendant of Vicar Amelia. Use to change into a Blood Gem, which fortifies weapons. This pendant, passed down among the vicars who head the Healing Church, is a reminder of the cautionary adage. To reveal the adage, touch the altar skull." Gold Pendant
-"Most radial blood gems have effects that bear upon physical attacks, and this golden radial blood gem, kept for generations within the Church, strengthens attack against those afflicted intensely by beasthood. When clerics began transforming into unspeakable beasts, the Church needed something to retaliate with." Gold Blood Gem
-The NPC hunter in the Research hall speaks the same chant as Vicar Amelia, possible proof of them being one and the same. She also knows spells that were only used by the higher members of the Healing Church.
-Old Hunter Yamamura repeats a chant to stave off insanity as well.

Initially, a hunched over woman with white hair wearing a ragged White Church set and clutching a Gold Pendant. After her transformation, Amelia is a large wolf like creature with antlers and the torn clothes covering her eyes, suggesting blindness. She has a long billowy tail and keeps the Pendant in her left hand.

From the Cathedral Ward Lamp, run out the door to the left and up the stairs on the right side of the courtyard. Go all the way up past the Church Giant and enter the circular graveyard. Run straight across and through the gate in front of the long set of stairs. Run all the way up the stairs and open the door of the building at the top and run towards the crouched woman at the top of the stairs. A short cutscene will play.

-Weak to Fire and Serration
-Strong against Bolt, Blunt and Arcane

Vicar Amelia's arena is a long hallway with an altar at one end. Pillars line the walls which are easy to get caught on.

First Stage:
Vicar Amelia has solely melee attacks in this stage and most have a very long range. The first two can be done by themselves or combined, the first being a right armed swipe (m), and then possibly a right handed drag attack (m). She can also follow up the right armed swipe with a back hand (m).  A variant of the swipe attack is a longer slower swing attack. She can swipe once with her right arm in a long sweep (m) which can also be followed up with a backhand (m). The left handed version can be a single swipe (m) or accompanied with a back hand (m) or two ground claws (m). She also has two "hug" attacks: the first one (h), where she will raise her arms up and apart like a hug, grab you, bite you, and throw you away (like a scorned lover) and the second one (m), where she brings her arms back to the side and hugs herself. She also does two ground pounds, one with her left hand (m) where she will punch the ground once, and the other with her right hand (h), where she will hit the ground three times. She can also bite (s). She can also do a leap attack (h), where she jumps up and slams her right arm down in front of her. She will sometimes clasp hands as though she were praying and slam them down (h), which will also be accompanied by a shockwave. The last thing she can do is a backhand (m) to either side as she turns. If she is howling and glowing she is merely healing her limbs.

Second Stage:
At 50% health, Vicar becomes more aggressive and gains three new moves. The first heals her where she clutches her pendant and glows gold. The second is a new combo where she slams the ground four times, sweeps with her right arm, backhands, and then does another sweep (h). The last is another combo where she swipes with her left arm, drags her right hand on the ground twice, and then punches the ground with her left arm.

-15,000 Blood Echoes
-Gold Pendant

Tips and Tricks:
-Any serrated weapon is preferable because of the extra damage to beasts. Equipping it with Fire Paper will greatly increase damage output. The next best weapon would be a weapon with a high overhead swing which can hit her head. The Threaded Cane transformed has an extended reach and serration damage and can be very helpful against her as a lot of its attacks will hit her head.
-The Flamesprayer and Bone Marrow Ash can shorten the fight considerably as well as using Molotov Cocktails and an Oil Urn.
-Try to stay behind her, as only a few of her attacks can hit you when you are behind her. Conserve your stamina and chip away at her as best you can.
-Each of her legs and arms has a health bar so hitting any of them consistently will stagger her and drop her head down for a visceral attack.
-Use Numbing Mist to keep her from healing.

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mergo's Wet Nurse

Mergo's Wet Nurse

Mergo's Wet Nurse is the last mandatory boss and a Great One in the game. Gain 3 Insight for finding her and 3 for killing her. Activates Wet Nurse's Lunarium Lamp.

Mergo's Wet Nurse is the Great One responsible for taking care of Formless Oedon's and Queen Yharnam's baby, Mergo. Although the Wet Nurse does reside in the Nightmare of Mensis, it is only to act as a protector for Mergo and the Wet Nurse's death triggers the death of Mergo. The Wet Nurse and her charge are the final prey of the hunters that pass through the Hunter's Dream. 

References and Dialogue:
-"Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate. This Cord granted Mensis audience with Mergo but resulted in the stillbirth of their brains." One Third Umbilical Cord from Mergo's Wet Nurse
-The words "Nightmare Slain" do not appear until after Mergo stops crying.
-Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen is right outside of the Wet Nurse's arena, sobbing with the front of her dress soaked in blood.
-It can be argued that Mergo is the Wet Nurse's surrogate although the term "wet nurse" seems to imply that she is just her nanny.

A large humanoid being wearing a purple hooded cloak with a black necklace. She has two large feathered wings on her back and her eight arms are feathered as well. Her hands end in claws. She also wears black bracelets and rings.

From the Mergo's Loft Middle Lamp, exit the building and go up the stairs past the Crow-Dog creatures. At the top of the stairs to the left are the Shadows of Yharnam, head to the right and take the non-bird cage elevator up. When you exit you will see Queen Yharnam, go past her and take the elevator in front of her. Walk forward and you will enter the Wet Nurse's arena. Approach the baby carriage for the cutscene to play.

-Weak to Bolt, Rapid Poison, and Arcane

The Wet Nurse's arena is a stone courtyard with columns around the outside and a baby carriage in the middle. Identical to the final layer Chalice Dungeon Bosses' arenas.

First Stage:
The Wet Nurse has several melee attacks, some with incredibly long reach. The first attack of note is a very slow flurry attack (s), where she will walk forwards swishing her blades in front of her signaled by her raising her top arms up. The next attack can one-shot you as it uses all blades, it's a very slow diagonal turning swipe (h), she will hold her arms out to the side before leaning to the right and swiping her blades up and to the left. She can modify this by doing up to three short alternating swipes (m), where she just brings all her arms up and to the left side. She can do a "hug" (m), where she wraps her arms around herself and swings them out. She can reach all of her arms out straight in front of her and then drag them across the ground (m). She can also teleport and do a flying attack  where slowly flies up towards you before "hugging" you again (m). The last thing she can do is coat the arena in a purple haze, she will raise her hood/trunk and a purple light will appear over her head. If you get her health past 70% during this she can start the second stage without stopping the purple haze.

Second Stage:
This starts at around 70% where she will spawn a doppelganger during the purple haze which will appear and attack. It has the normal swipe attack and the reach attack (m), where it can stretch its arms about halfway across the arena. The Wet Nurse will also become more aggressive.

-72,000 Blood Echoes
-One Third of Umbilical Cord

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +9 or higher will work well with Bolt Paper, although a Chikage transformed will work very well because of the Rapid Poison. 
-All the attacks have a slow windup and long recovery so evading and then attacking is fairly effective.
-The very slow walking attack is a great time to get behind and wail on her. If you do get hit it will be a very negligible part of your health.
- During the purple haze, the clone will disappear after one hit which will leave some free time to attack the real one. If not, just run counter clockwise and dodge when needed.
-For the flying attack, just dodge forward. and attack her back.

-You can die in co-op along with the beckoner and respawn in the boss arena with the Wet Nurse passive. Link
-Using the Madaras Whistle can make her invincible.Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

Friday, February 12, 2016

Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Lady Maria is the second boss in the Research Hall. Gain one Insight for finding her and three for killing her. Activates the Astral Clocktower Lamp when killed.

Special Notes: On your first try, you can not summon a Co-op.

Lady Maria, a distant relative of Queen Annalise, grew up in Cainhurst, but unlike the other nobles Maria hated the use of the corrupted blood and even bore a weapon, the Rakuyo, that only required great skill to wield. She left Cainhurst and traveled to Byrgenwerth becoming a student to Gehrman, who became obsessed with her. She in turn was very admiring of him and remained at his side when he traveled to the Fishing Hamlet to investigate the rumors of a dead Great One and later to bring the Orphan of Kos back to Byrgenwerth. In order to bring the Orphan back, Gehrman and Maria had to cut open the sickly Kos; this act caused Maria such revulsion that she threw away her Rakuyo as she left the Fishing Hamlet. Many years later, she and Gehrman left Byrgenwerth to help found the Healing Church and became the first hunters employed with them. Unfortunately, Maria would become the leader of a group of hunters tasked to protect the Research Hall and this also gave her the opportunity to help keep the Fishing Hamlet a secret. She was known for her kindness at the Research Hall but when the Old Hunters were disavowed  her grief became too much for her and she slit her throat. In his grief, Gehrman built a replica doll of Maria, the doll in the Hunter's dream.

References and Dialogue:
-" A corpse...should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." Lady Maria
-"Hunter weapon wielded by Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. A trick sword originated in the same country as the Cainhurst Chikage, only this sword feeds not off blood, but instead demands great dexterity. Lady Maria was fond of this aspect of the Rakuyo, as she frowned upon blood blades, despite being a distant relative of the queen.One day, she abandoned her beloved Rakuyo, casting it into a dark well, when she could stomach it no longer." Rakuyo
-"Among the first hunters, all students of Gehrman, was the lady hunter Maria. This was her hunter's garb crafted in Cainhurst. Maria was distantly related to the undead queen, but had great admiration for Gehrman, unaware of his curious mania." Maria's Hunter Set
-"Good hunter, this may sound strange, but...Have I somehow changed? Moments ago, from some place, perhaps deep within, I sensed a liberation from heavy shackles. Not that I would know...How passing strange..." Special dialogue by doll upon Maria's death.
-"Oh, hello. Not a pretty sight, is it? The true face of the blood-worshipping, beast-purging Healing Church. But that's not all. You seek the secrets held by the Nightmare, do you not? Then here's what you must do. Climb the Astral Clocktower, and kill Maria. She hides the real secret." Simon the Harrowed
-"The bone of an old hunter whose name is lost. It is  said that he was an apprentice to old Gehrman, and a practitioner of the art of Quickening, a technique particular to the first hunters. It is most appropriate that hunters, carriers of the torch who are sustained by the dream, would tease an old art from his remains." Old Hunter Bone found on Maria's grave in the Waking World. In the original Japanese the pronoun is gender neutral making it possible for it to be Maria's.
-The doll prays at Maria's grave (the grave used to access the Hunter's Nightmare) and calls her "Flora", most likely a reference to Maria giving Lumenflowers to the Research Hall Patients and leaving one on the grave by the seaside (most likely the Orphan of Kos'). 
-When Lady Maria dies, she dies in the same pose as Gehrman. When she releases your hand she is in the same pose as the doll.
-When she visceral attacks, it looks like she embraces you, and whispers in your ear.
-When the Clocktower opens it opens on the Moon rune, most likely a reference to the Moon Presence.
-Despite her distaste of blood blades, she will use them out of desperation to kill you.

A tall pale skinned woman with white-blond hair. She is garbed in something similar to the Knight's set and wields a sword and dagger that can be combined into twin blade.

From the Lumenwood Garden Lamp, walk up to the door and open it.

Lady Maria's arena is a large room with cabinets lining the side. There is a chair and a small table at the end of the room. Not many nooks to get stuck on.

First Stage:
Maria can alternate between the different transformations of her weapon: the twin blade with a pistol and a sword dagger. Please note she uses quickening. For the sword and dagger mode, she has a charge attack (h), where she will run towards you with her sword arm straight out to the side. She has an overhead diagonal slash (m), that can be preceded by a regular one handed slash attack (m) or succeeded by another diagonal slash in the other direction as well as a pistol shot. There is a variant of this that is much slower as well where she will hesitate in order to track you better before striking (h). She can thrust (m) quickly up to two times with both blades. She can do a whirling attack (h) where she spins towards you and then can follow it up with the diagonal slash. She can also do a slashing x (m), where she will cross her blades and rush forwards.
For the twin blade mode, she will also employ her pistol (s). She can do a forward and backwards thrust attack (m) that can turn into a slash combo as well as an overhead swipe (m) that can be followed up by a horizontal swipe. She can also use a charge attack (h), where she will hold the Rakuyo to her side as if to sheath it and then run forward.

Second Stage:
At about 60%, she will stab herself in the stomach with her blades and pull them out. When she pulls them out there will be a blood A.O.E. (m). She will only use the two blades now and retain all her previous attacks except now she will use her blood as a way to extend her range and they will hit harder. She can now also do a charged attack (h) where she will sheath her Rakuyo and squat and pull it out in a diagonal slash. She has two more charge attacks or more accurately transform attacks (h). She will transform the Rakuyo back into the twin blade above her head where she will smash it down. When she transforms the Rakuyo to her side, she is doing a thrust attack with almost infinite reach. She can do a leap attack (h), where she will spiral into the air and then crash down with an A.O.E. blast.

Third Stage:
At about 30%, she will hold her swords out to the side and rise up into the air with blood flowing into her and do another blood A.O.E.(h). Her blood is now on fire and her range is greater. She does not gain any new attacks but they do hit harder.

-39,000 Blood Echoes
-Celestial Dial

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +9 or higher will do.
-The number one tip to beating Maria is to stay close to her as much as possible. Her long range attacks are devastating and she can close any distance gap between you very quickly so if you need to heal dodge into one of her melees and heal instead of attacking. 
-Dodge through her melee attacks to get off a few hits, if your weapon is heavy it will stunlock her for a few hits. 
-Almost all of her attacks can be parried so shooting her and then visceral attacking is a good way to go for her first stage, equip Clawmark Runes if this is the route you want to go. The only melee attack that can't be parried is the very slow overhead diagonal slash. Just dodge until it lands (not on you) and get off a few hits.
-In the second stage, be wary of the blood A.O.E. if you are going to attack while she's transforming. 
-Use the same strategy as before only be cautious of the transform attacks. The overhead smashing transform is substantially faster than the other two attacks so dodge immediately after the clicking sound. For the other two, wait a second before dodging as they are a little slower.
-She can still be parried in the last two stages but she is faster so the windows are much smaller.
-Be aware in stage two and three, her x-slash attack can put you into a viscerable state.
-The Executioner's Gloves and the Augur of Ebrietas can stagger her.
-If you are interested in cheesing, the most common way is to use Beast Roar and then stunlocking her when she gets up in a cycle.

-Can be glitched through the pillar next to the fog gate. Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

The Living Failures

The Living Failures:

The Living Failures is the only boss in the Research Hall. Gain two Insight for finding them and two for killing them. Activates the Lumenwood Garden Lamp.

The Living Failures are one of the first attempts by the Choir to create a Great One to serve as an ambassador. They were preceded by the Research Hall patients and after their creation were ultimately abandoned as the Choir began work on the Celestial Emissary.

References and Dialogue:
-It is possible that these were unsuccessful due to the use of Lumenwood and/or the lack of Iosefka's specially refined blood.

Tall, humanoid, and slender, the Living Failures bear a close resemblance to the Celestial Emissary and the Research Hall patients. They are bluish in color with six fingers on each hand. Their heads appear as if they have collapsed in.

From the Research Hall Lamp, go to the room on the left where Adaline is restrained and take the elevator up. From the next room, exit and turn right to go up the set of stairs. Once to the landing turn right up another flight of stairs and open the door.

-Old Hunter Yamamura can be summoned at the summoning bell to the right of the fog gate if you have killed him in his cell, the Impurity Rune is equipped, and you haven't killed Valtr. He wields a Chikage.

-Weak to Bolt

The Living Failures arena is a circular garden with two balconies on either side. There is a pillar of Lumenwood (flowers) in the middle. The ground is also covered with these flowers.

First Stage:
The Living Failures will constantly spawn around the arena. They each have their own individual health bars (think of them as legs) and will disappear if "killed". Damage will contribute to the overall health bar. There can be up to four Living Failures in the arena at a time. Two melee and two Arcane casters. The two melee will follow you around while the casters will typically just move so that you are in their sights. The two melee ones have a few attacks, a head slam (m), where they will very quickly slam their heads onto you, a swipe (h), where they will slowly swipe their arm across their body, and a swing attack (h), where they will bring their arms back and swing them in a circle. The casters can do the head slam, and three spells, two of them similar to Martyr Logarius, the first is an Arcane hand slam (h), where they will slam both hands into the ground and a small explosion will occur. The other one is a large Arcane ball (h) that can track you, one of them will raise its hands over its head and a blue light will appear; the last attack consists of smaller homing bolts (m), that track quite heavily, they will keep their hands at waist level.

Second Stage:
The Living Failures will gain one attack, another Arcane attack, that consists of all the Failures raising their arms to the sky. Half the sky will turn black and comets will rain down (h).

-22,000 Blood Echoes
-Astral Clocktower Key

Special Notes: If the Impurity Rune is equipped, they will drop Vermin as well.

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +9 or higher is fine. Bolt Paper or a Bolt gem are very helpful.
-It is possible to only have to fight one Failure at a time if you constantly kill them at their re-spawn points. If not, it is very easy to have only two in the arena at a time as it is very easy to parry then visceral the melee ones.
-Try to lure the melee ones away from the arcane ones if you can not take them down fast enough. This should put you on the other side of the tree in the middle and thus be safe from projectiles.
-For the Comet attack, there are four methods of avoiding damage from them: run in a circle around the arena, look up at the sky and avoid them by using the pillar in the middle as a barrier, run to the opposite side of the arena from the entrance and stay behind the wall, or use the Loch Shield as protection (you will take a little damage). By far the best and safest method it hiding behind the wall.
-You can attack them during the Comet attack and stagger them with a backstab for a visceral attack.

-A Living Failure can stay around after the fight. Watch 11:10

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Martyr Logarius

Martyr Logarius

Martyr Logarius is an optional boss located in the Forsaken Castle Cainhurst. Gain one Insight for finding him and three Insight for killing him. Activates the Logarius' Seat Lamp.

Special Notes: You need to kill Martyr Logarius in order to complete Vileblood Hunter Alfred's questline. A cutscene will play if you wear the crown behind Logarius' throne opening the way to Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods.

Martyr Logarius was the leader of the Executioners, a group of hunters from a foreign land, who operated before the Healing Church Hunters. The Executioners were very different from most hunters, mostly because it was hereditary based. Martyr Logarius spent most of his life seeking to kill all the Vilebloods, but failed before killing Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods. Since he was unable to kill her, Logarius instead used himself as a "blessed anchor" to prevent Annalise from ever leaving Cainhurst either by escape or by rescue.

References and Dialogue:
-"Ah, there's something I want to tell you. A bit of wisdom from the eminent Master Logarius!. Once, a scholar betrayed his fellows at Byrgenwerth...and brought forbidden blood back with him to Cainhurst Castle. It was there that the first of the inhuman Vilebloods was born. The Vilebloods are fiendish creatures who threaten the purity of the Church's blood healing. The ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today. And so to honor my master's wishes, I search. For the path to Cainhurst Castle....In his time, Master Logarius led his executioners into Cainhurst Castle to cleanse it of the Vilebloods. But all did not go well and Master Logarius became a blessed anchor, guarding us from evil...Tragic, tragic times...that Master Logarius should be abandoned in the accursed domain of the Vilebloods. I must free him, so that he may be properly honored in martyrdom." Alfred before receiving the Unopened Summons.
-"Oh you, is it? Look at this! Thanks to you, I've done it! Well? Isn't it wonderful? Now Master can be canonized as a true martyr! Jealous, huh? Unclean wench! Frailed mostrosity! Bloody fool! Pathetic! As you deserved! Uhh! Blood! You spilled my blood! Pray for Master Logarius in my stead.." If Alfred is spoken to and then killed in Annalise's Chamber..
-"Weapon wielded by martyr Logarius' band of executioners. Used to slaughter the Vilebloods in Cainhurst. Bathed in pools of their blood, and forever steeped in their ire. Transform to release the power of the wheel and manifest their lingering rage in a show of utter brilliance." Logarius Wheel
-"The odd helmet worn by the band of Executioners commanded by martyr Logarius. The conical gold helmet, symbol of the executioners, represent luminosity, ambition, and an unflagging resolve to face impurity, staring it down with a stem golden spirit." Gold Ardeo
-"Attire worn by the band of executioners commanded by the martyr Logarius. Later became the basis for all Church attire, with its heavy draping of Holy Shawl. As the great Logarius once said, "Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good."" Executioner Set

Martyr Logarius is a tall bearded undead man who wields a scythe and a short dagger. He wears the Crown of Illusions on his head and is dressed in robes.

From the Forsaken Castle Cainhurst Lamp, go the opposite direction from the Bloodlickers and take the elevator up. You will enter a room filled with the ghost women. Run past and at the end of the room to the right will be a ladder. Take the ladder up and you will enter a small room. Exit the room and take the stairs to the outside. Once your on the roof drop down to the right to land on the second roof and get on the spire. Drop down from there onto the pathway. Repeat for the next spire and pathway. From there just run up to the archway lit by torches. A short cutscene will play.

-Strong against Fire, Bolt and Arcane

Martyr Logarius' arena is a rooftop replete with pillars and lots of elevation changes, there is a throne at the other end of the arena. You can fall off the edge but unfortunately he can't.

First Stage:
Martyr Logarius has several particularly brutal Arcane and melee attacks in this stage. The Arcane attacks are as follows: a A.O.E. in the form of a large skull that materializes in front of him (h), he will swing the scythe right in front of his face and pointing towards you, and he will use this attack fairly quickly when you are right next to him although this can also be long range; he can also summon several smaller skulls in a row that will track you (m) when he swings his scythe from the bottom left to the upper right. He can also bring his scythe up towards the sky and tap it and summon a skull that will track in a circular motion (m). He will mostly resort to magic in this stage, but can also swing with his scythe in very wide arcs (m), these can be in three hit combos from one long swipe to several ending in a smash (m). Be wary because his melee attacks can go through the parapets. He will also occasionally slash very quickly with his dagger.

Second Stage: 
After about forty percent of his health, he will enter a rage mode where he will stab his scythe into the ground and become enveloped in a red haze. When he is finished he will emit an A.O.E. (h) and he will have a new moveset, almost entirely melee attacks and most of them will emit an energy blast on the first or last strike. He can do a flying smash attack (h), where he will fly up into the air with his scythe over his head or a flying swipe attack (h), where he will fly into the air with his scythe pulled back. He can also do a fast thrust with the dagger (m), and if it lands he will typically do a combo of slashes with the dagger (s). He can also do a smash attack with his dagger (m), which will lead into a combo. He can also use his scythe in the typical slow slashes of before only a little harder hitting. There is one Arcane attack he will do in particular, where he will plant a sword in the ground that will summon a rain of swords (m) that will last quite a bit of time unless interrupted. 

-25,600 Blood Echoes
-Crown of Illusions (Have to pick up from the light on the walkway)

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +7 or higher will work, preferably a faster one.
-A left hand weapon +5 or higher will work.
-This fight is a lot easier with parrying so be sure to be stocked up on Quicksilver bullets. An Oedon Writhe Rune can be very helpful as it restores bullets with each visceral attack.
-In the first stage, use the parapets to avoid the spells in general, but be wary of melee attacks as he can reach through them with his scythe.
-To avoid the row of skulls dodge around them, or roll quickly in between them.
-To avoid the other two first stage Arcane attacks dodge to the side several times. 
-Try to parry him when he does his scythe swings, they have a pretty wide reach so dodging past usually will get you hit.
-When he is entering his rage mode for the second stage try and get in a few hits, but be wary of the following A.O.E. blast.
-To avoid his flying attacks run towards where he took off. You will have a couple of seconds to hit him when he's landed so take advantage of those moments. If you are locked on this may cause your camera to go haywire.
-Try to parry him during scythe swings rather than his dagger attacks as they are very fast. You can typically dodge several times to the side and get off a few hits after he misses with his smash attack.
-When he plants a sword in the ground try to hit it. It can be locked onto so you can also shoot it, but wait until he is away from it as he will keep attacking you.
-You can keep him from buffing by staying right in front of him and continuously visceral attacking him, although this is very difficult.
-Do not fall off the roof.

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)