Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Vicar Amelia

Vicar Amelia:

Vicar Amelia is a mandatory boss in the Cathedral Ward. Gain one Insight for finding her and three for killing her. Activates the Grand Cathedral Lamp.

Vicar Amelia is a member of the Healing Church and the last Vicar, or head of the Healing Church. She chants while kneeling in front of Laurence's skull, most likely to keep the beasthood at bay. She could possibly be an NPC hunter found in the Hunter's Nightmare praying before the Surgery Altar in her human form.

References and Dialogue:
-"Seek the old blood. Let us pray...let us wish...to partake in communion. Let us partake in communion...and feast upon the old blood. Our thirst for blood satiates us, soothes our fears. Seek the old blood...but beware the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young. The foul beasts will dangle nectar and lure the meek into the depths. Remain wary of the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young. Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented." Vicar Amelia
-"Pendant of Vicar Amelia. Use to change into a Blood Gem, which fortifies weapons. This pendant, passed down among the vicars who head the Healing Church, is a reminder of the cautionary adage. To reveal the adage, touch the altar skull." Gold Pendant
-"Most radial blood gems have effects that bear upon physical attacks, and this golden radial blood gem, kept for generations within the Church, strengthens attack against those afflicted intensely by beasthood. When clerics began transforming into unspeakable beasts, the Church needed something to retaliate with." Gold Blood Gem
-The NPC hunter in the Research hall speaks the same chant as Vicar Amelia, possible proof of them being one and the same. She also knows spells that were only used by the higher members of the Healing Church.
-Old Hunter Yamamura repeats a chant to stave off insanity as well.

Initially, a hunched over woman with white hair wearing a ragged White Church set and clutching a Gold Pendant. After her transformation, Amelia is a large wolf like creature with antlers and the torn clothes covering her eyes, suggesting blindness. She has a long billowy tail and keeps the Pendant in her left hand.

From the Cathedral Ward Lamp, run out the door to the left and up the stairs on the right side of the courtyard. Go all the way up past the Church Giant and enter the circular graveyard. Run straight across and through the gate in front of the long set of stairs. Run all the way up the stairs and open the door of the building at the top and run towards the crouched woman at the top of the stairs. A short cutscene will play.

-Weak to Fire and Serration
-Strong against Bolt, Blunt and Arcane

Vicar Amelia's arena is a long hallway with an altar at one end. Pillars line the walls which are easy to get caught on.

First Stage:
Vicar Amelia has solely melee attacks in this stage and most have a very long range. The first two can be done by themselves or combined, the first being a right armed swipe (m), and then possibly a right handed drag attack (m). She can also follow up the right armed swipe with a back hand (m).  A variant of the swipe attack is a longer slower swing attack. She can swipe once with her right arm in a long sweep (m) which can also be followed up with a backhand (m). The left handed version can be a single swipe (m) or accompanied with a back hand (m) or two ground claws (m). She also has two "hug" attacks: the first one (h), where she will raise her arms up and apart like a hug, grab you, bite you, and throw you away (like a scorned lover) and the second one (m), where she brings her arms back to the side and hugs herself. She also does two ground pounds, one with her left hand (m) where she will punch the ground once, and the other with her right hand (h), where she will hit the ground three times. She can also bite (s). She can also do a leap attack (h), where she jumps up and slams her right arm down in front of her. She will sometimes clasp hands as though she were praying and slam them down (h), which will also be accompanied by a shockwave. The last thing she can do is a backhand (m) to either side as she turns. If she is howling and glowing she is merely healing her limbs.

Second Stage:
At 50% health, Vicar becomes more aggressive and gains three new moves. The first heals her where she clutches her pendant and glows gold. The second is a new combo where she slams the ground four times, sweeps with her right arm, backhands, and then does another sweep (h). The last is another combo where she swipes with her left arm, drags her right hand on the ground twice, and then punches the ground with her left arm.

-15,000 Blood Echoes
-Gold Pendant

Tips and Tricks:
-Any serrated weapon is preferable because of the extra damage to beasts. Equipping it with Fire Paper will greatly increase damage output. The next best weapon would be a weapon with a high overhead swing which can hit her head. The Threaded Cane transformed has an extended reach and serration damage and can be very helpful against her as a lot of its attacks will hit her head.
-The Flamesprayer and Bone Marrow Ash can shorten the fight considerably as well as using Molotov Cocktails and an Oil Urn.
-Try to stay behind her, as only a few of her attacks can hit you when you are behind her. Conserve your stamina and chip away at her as best you can.
-Each of her legs and arms has a health bar so hitting any of them consistently will stagger her and drop her head down for a visceral attack.
-Use Numbing Mist to keep her from healing.

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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