Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mergo's Wet Nurse

Mergo's Wet Nurse

Mergo's Wet Nurse is the last mandatory boss and a Great One in the game. Gain 3 Insight for finding her and 3 for killing her. Activates Wet Nurse's Lunarium Lamp.

Mergo's Wet Nurse is the Great One responsible for taking care of Formless Oedon's and Queen Yharnam's baby, Mergo. Although the Wet Nurse does reside in the Nightmare of Mensis, it is only to act as a protector for Mergo and the Wet Nurse's death triggers the death of Mergo. The Wet Nurse and her charge are the final prey of the hunters that pass through the Hunter's Dream. 

References and Dialogue:
-"Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate. This Cord granted Mensis audience with Mergo but resulted in the stillbirth of their brains." One Third Umbilical Cord from Mergo's Wet Nurse
-The words "Nightmare Slain" do not appear until after Mergo stops crying.
-Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen is right outside of the Wet Nurse's arena, sobbing with the front of her dress soaked in blood.
-It can be argued that Mergo is the Wet Nurse's surrogate although the term "wet nurse" seems to imply that she is just her nanny.

A large humanoid being wearing a purple hooded cloak with a black necklace. She has two large feathered wings on her back and her eight arms are feathered as well. Her hands end in claws. She also wears black bracelets and rings.

From the Mergo's Loft Middle Lamp, exit the building and go up the stairs past the Crow-Dog creatures. At the top of the stairs to the left are the Shadows of Yharnam, head to the right and take the non-bird cage elevator up. When you exit you will see Queen Yharnam, go past her and take the elevator in front of her. Walk forward and you will enter the Wet Nurse's arena. Approach the baby carriage for the cutscene to play.

-Weak to Bolt, Rapid Poison, and Arcane

The Wet Nurse's arena is a stone courtyard with columns around the outside and a baby carriage in the middle. Identical to the final layer Chalice Dungeon Bosses' arenas.

First Stage:
The Wet Nurse has several melee attacks, some with incredibly long reach. The first attack of note is a very slow flurry attack (s), where she will walk forwards swishing her blades in front of her signaled by her raising her top arms up. The next attack can one-shot you as it uses all blades, it's a very slow diagonal turning swipe (h), she will hold her arms out to the side before leaning to the right and swiping her blades up and to the left. She can modify this by doing up to three short alternating swipes (m), where she just brings all her arms up and to the left side. She can do a "hug" (m), where she wraps her arms around herself and swings them out. She can reach all of her arms out straight in front of her and then drag them across the ground (m). She can also teleport and do a flying attack  where slowly flies up towards you before "hugging" you again (m). The last thing she can do is coat the arena in a purple haze, she will raise her hood/trunk and a purple light will appear over her head. If you get her health past 70% during this she can start the second stage without stopping the purple haze.

Second Stage:
This starts at around 70% where she will spawn a doppelganger during the purple haze which will appear and attack. It has the normal swipe attack and the reach attack (m), where it can stretch its arms about halfway across the arena. The Wet Nurse will also become more aggressive.

-72,000 Blood Echoes
-One Third of Umbilical Cord

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +9 or higher will work well with Bolt Paper, although a Chikage transformed will work very well because of the Rapid Poison. 
-All the attacks have a slow windup and long recovery so evading and then attacking is fairly effective.
-The very slow walking attack is a great time to get behind and wail on her. If you do get hit it will be a very negligible part of your health.
- During the purple haze, the clone will disappear after one hit which will leave some free time to attack the real one. If not, just run counter clockwise and dodge when needed.
-For the flying attack, just dodge forward. and attack her back.

-You can die in co-op along with the beckoner and respawn in the boss arena with the Wet Nurse passive. Link
-Using the Madaras Whistle can make her invincible.Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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