Thursday, February 4, 2016

Martyr Logarius

Martyr Logarius

Martyr Logarius is an optional boss located in the Forsaken Castle Cainhurst. Gain one Insight for finding him and three Insight for killing him. Activates the Logarius' Seat Lamp.

Special Notes: You need to kill Martyr Logarius in order to complete Vileblood Hunter Alfred's questline. A cutscene will play if you wear the crown behind Logarius' throne opening the way to Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods.

Martyr Logarius was the leader of the Executioners, a group of hunters from a foreign land, who operated before the Healing Church Hunters. The Executioners were very different from most hunters, mostly because it was hereditary based. Martyr Logarius spent most of his life seeking to kill all the Vilebloods, but failed before killing Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods. Since he was unable to kill her, Logarius instead used himself as a "blessed anchor" to prevent Annalise from ever leaving Cainhurst either by escape or by rescue.

References and Dialogue:
-"Ah, there's something I want to tell you. A bit of wisdom from the eminent Master Logarius!. Once, a scholar betrayed his fellows at Byrgenwerth...and brought forbidden blood back with him to Cainhurst Castle. It was there that the first of the inhuman Vilebloods was born. The Vilebloods are fiendish creatures who threaten the purity of the Church's blood healing. The ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today. And so to honor my master's wishes, I search. For the path to Cainhurst Castle....In his time, Master Logarius led his executioners into Cainhurst Castle to cleanse it of the Vilebloods. But all did not go well and Master Logarius became a blessed anchor, guarding us from evil...Tragic, tragic times...that Master Logarius should be abandoned in the accursed domain of the Vilebloods. I must free him, so that he may be properly honored in martyrdom." Alfred before receiving the Unopened Summons.
-"Oh you, is it? Look at this! Thanks to you, I've done it! Well? Isn't it wonderful? Now Master can be canonized as a true martyr! Jealous, huh? Unclean wench! Frailed mostrosity! Bloody fool! Pathetic! As you deserved! Uhh! Blood! You spilled my blood! Pray for Master Logarius in my stead.." If Alfred is spoken to and then killed in Annalise's Chamber..
-"Weapon wielded by martyr Logarius' band of executioners. Used to slaughter the Vilebloods in Cainhurst. Bathed in pools of their blood, and forever steeped in their ire. Transform to release the power of the wheel and manifest their lingering rage in a show of utter brilliance." Logarius Wheel
-"The odd helmet worn by the band of Executioners commanded by martyr Logarius. The conical gold helmet, symbol of the executioners, represent luminosity, ambition, and an unflagging resolve to face impurity, staring it down with a stem golden spirit." Gold Ardeo
-"Attire worn by the band of executioners commanded by the martyr Logarius. Later became the basis for all Church attire, with its heavy draping of Holy Shawl. As the great Logarius once said, "Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good."" Executioner Set

Martyr Logarius is a tall bearded undead man who wields a scythe and a short dagger. He wears the Crown of Illusions on his head and is dressed in robes.

From the Forsaken Castle Cainhurst Lamp, go the opposite direction from the Bloodlickers and take the elevator up. You will enter a room filled with the ghost women. Run past and at the end of the room to the right will be a ladder. Take the ladder up and you will enter a small room. Exit the room and take the stairs to the outside. Once your on the roof drop down to the right to land on the second roof and get on the spire. Drop down from there onto the pathway. Repeat for the next spire and pathway. From there just run up to the archway lit by torches. A short cutscene will play.

-Strong against Fire, Bolt and Arcane

Martyr Logarius' arena is a rooftop replete with pillars and lots of elevation changes, there is a throne at the other end of the arena. You can fall off the edge but unfortunately he can't.

First Stage:
Martyr Logarius has several particularly brutal Arcane and melee attacks in this stage. The Arcane attacks are as follows: a A.O.E. in the form of a large skull that materializes in front of him (h), he will swing the scythe right in front of his face and pointing towards you, and he will use this attack fairly quickly when you are right next to him although this can also be long range; he can also summon several smaller skulls in a row that will track you (m) when he swings his scythe from the bottom left to the upper right. He can also bring his scythe up towards the sky and tap it and summon a skull that will track in a circular motion (m). He will mostly resort to magic in this stage, but can also swing with his scythe in very wide arcs (m), these can be in three hit combos from one long swipe to several ending in a smash (m). Be wary because his melee attacks can go through the parapets. He will also occasionally slash very quickly with his dagger.

Second Stage: 
After about forty percent of his health, he will enter a rage mode where he will stab his scythe into the ground and become enveloped in a red haze. When he is finished he will emit an A.O.E. (h) and he will have a new moveset, almost entirely melee attacks and most of them will emit an energy blast on the first or last strike. He can do a flying smash attack (h), where he will fly up into the air with his scythe over his head or a flying swipe attack (h), where he will fly into the air with his scythe pulled back. He can also do a fast thrust with the dagger (m), and if it lands he will typically do a combo of slashes with the dagger (s). He can also do a smash attack with his dagger (m), which will lead into a combo. He can also use his scythe in the typical slow slashes of before only a little harder hitting. There is one Arcane attack he will do in particular, where he will plant a sword in the ground that will summon a rain of swords (m) that will last quite a bit of time unless interrupted. 

-25,600 Blood Echoes
-Crown of Illusions (Have to pick up from the light on the walkway)

Tips and Tricks:
-Any weapon +7 or higher will work, preferably a faster one.
-A left hand weapon +5 or higher will work.
-This fight is a lot easier with parrying so be sure to be stocked up on Quicksilver bullets. An Oedon Writhe Rune can be very helpful as it restores bullets with each visceral attack.
-In the first stage, use the parapets to avoid the spells in general, but be wary of melee attacks as he can reach through them with his scythe.
-To avoid the row of skulls dodge around them, or roll quickly in between them.
-To avoid the other two first stage Arcane attacks dodge to the side several times. 
-Try to parry him when he does his scythe swings, they have a pretty wide reach so dodging past usually will get you hit.
-When he is entering his rage mode for the second stage try and get in a few hits, but be wary of the following A.O.E. blast.
-To avoid his flying attacks run towards where he took off. You will have a couple of seconds to hit him when he's landed so take advantage of those moments. If you are locked on this may cause your camera to go haywire.
-Try to parry him during scythe swings rather than his dagger attacks as they are very fast. You can typically dodge several times to the side and get off a few hits after he misses with his smash attack.
-When he plants a sword in the ground try to hit it. It can be locked onto so you can also shoot it, but wait until he is away from it as he will keep attacking you.
-You can keep him from buffing by staying right in front of him and continuously visceral attacking him, although this is very difficult.
-Do not fall off the roof.

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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