Monday, January 4, 2016

Darkbeast Paarl

Darkbeast Paarl:

Darkbeast Paarl is an optional boss located in between Old Yharnam and the Hypogean Gaol. Gain one Insight for finding him and three for killing him. After she is killed the Graveyard of the Darkbeast Lamp is activated.

Special Notes: If you haven't attacked any of the beasts directly in front of Djura's tower, Djura will be friendly after going into Paarl's Arena and going up his tower from the back route. 

Darkbeast Paarl is one of a group of beasts originating in Loran. She was transformed much earlier than the beasts in Yharnam; most likely an unfortunate Pthumerian. Her kind was closely studied by Archibald, the creator of the Tonitrus and a member of the Healing Church. She most likely is above ground to be studied by Archibald to avoid the dangerous trek into the dungeons.

References and Dialogue:
-"A unique trick weapon contrived by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church workshop. Striking this peculiar iron morning star flail like a match generates the same blue sparks that blanket a darkbeast." Tonitrus
-Another is found in the Chalice Dungeons as a boss, Loran Darkbeast.
-Paarl is Dutch for Pearl, suggesting a term of endearment or a female.

Paarl is a skeletal beast covered in black fur that becomes infused with electricity. She is quite large and moves very quickly around the graveyard. When she strikes the ground electricity shoots from the tips of her claws.

From the Hypogean Gaol Lamp, go down the stairs two levels until you see a small doorway. enter through the doorway and continue to the last cell of the prison. There will be a hole in the wall, enter through there and down some stairs will be a pile of dark fur and bones which will become electrified as you approach it.

-Weak to Fire and Arcane
-Strong against Blunt and Bolt

Paarl's arena is a walled grassy knoll with no real areas to take cover. There are a few niches to avoid along the walls but other than that there are no real places to get stuck in.

First Stage:
Paarl will swipe with her claws usually in groups of two and three (m), quick windup with right or left arm; perform a leap attack (h), crouches before leaping towards you; will slam her fist down causing sparks to fly (h), makes a fist in the air as a windup; and lastly will do an A.O.E. blast (h), she will rock back on her back legs and scream.

Second Stage:
About a minute into the fight she will perform what looks like the A.O.E. but is actually her charging up. She will now shoot electric trails from his claws and is much more aggressive.

-23,100 Blood Echoes
-Spark Hunter Badge

Tips and Tricks:
- Do not use a Kirk Hammer in its transformed state
- Ludwig's Holy Blade or a Saw Cleaver +4 or more with Fire Paper or a Fire Blood Gem, are the best because of the faster windup times.
-A transformed Hunter's Axe +4 with the additional items, can be very helpful if you are able to perform a charged R2 attack as it will knock Paarl over and she will lose his aura
-Do not lock on to Paarl, try to stay under her, and aim for her back legs. Enough hits will drop her to the ground without her electric aura and she will have to run away to charge herself back up.
-Roll through her swipes to get underneath her and even if you take damage it will give you a couple of seconds to heal up or attack to gain back the health
-Keep Paarl away from the wall so you do not get trapped
-Flamesprayer +4 is incredibly useful as when Paarl is knocked down you can continue to do damage while waiting for your stamina bar to become full. The constant damage will keep her from getting up.
-Bring Molotov Cocktails and an Oil Urn if you want to shave off a good portion of her health during the fight.
-Henryk's Hunter Set is a good edition to the fight because of its high Bolt resistance

-You can trap Darkbeast Paarl in one of the niches along the wall. Link
-You can render Darkbeast Paarl passive by exiting the game in her arena and re-entering. Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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