Friday, January 22, 2016

Father Gascoigne

Father Gascoigne:

Father Gascoigne is the second boss located at the end of Central Yharnam. Gain one Insight for finding him, one for witnessing his transformation, and one for killing him. Once killed he activates the Tomb of Oedon lamp.

Special Notes: Acquiring the Tiny Music Box from Father G's daughter, Viola, can greatly help in this fight as it temporarily stuns him although it can also trigger the beast phase of the fight prematurely after using it three times successfully. She is found by going down into the sewers and by reaching the wooden platform with two ladders. Go up the ladder to the right and to the left will be a Brick Troll. Go up the ladder it is guarding (it can follow you up there) and approach the window to talk.
Father G is also a summon available for the Cleric Beast fight, if you have not beaten him in the boss battle. As a summon he will chuckle if you play the music box to him. If brought to his daughter nothing happens.

A foreign clergyman, Father Gascoigne, became employed with the Healing Church hunters after moving to Central Yharnam. As he and his partner, Henryk became more and more immersed in the night of the hunt; his family began to notice his sanity begin to slip as he killed more and more. The stench of blood and beasts clung to him and Henryk; soon becoming apparent even to the church itself. As the church dispatched Eileen the Crow to finish off Henryk before the beast in him could completely take over, it was too late for Father Gascoigne. He stayed out on the hunt forgetting to return home to his daughters and forcing his wife, Viola, to brave the trek without the protection of the Tiny Music Box, their reminder to him of his humanity. Viola comes across Father G viciously mutilating the bodies of the huntsmen and approaches him despite his lack of acknowledgement towards her. He, instead, turns his murderous attention to her and kills her, snapping back into sanity only long enough to realize what he had done and to push him over the edge. His daughter frantically begs the hunter to save her father and mother, not realizing that it was too late to save them with the music box. The music only serves as a reminder to him of Viola's futile attempt and drags him deeper into madness. After his death, his partner Henryk arrives to bring him home, also too late, and succumbs to his insanity upon viewing his old partner's body.

References and Dialogue:
-"Beasts all over the shop....You'll be one of them sooner or later. What's that smell? The sweet blood, oh, it sings to me. It's enough to make a man sick. Too proud to show your true face, eh? But a sporting hunt it was." Father Gascoigne
-"Who..are you? I don't know your voice, but I know that smell. Are you a hunter? Then, please, will you look for my mum? Daddy never came back from the hunt, and she went to find him, but now she's gone too.... My m-mum wears a red jewelled brooch....If you find mum give her this music box. It plays one of daddy's favorite songs. And when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers. Mum's so silly, running off without it...Mister hunter...was it really her?Mummy....mummy..." Young Yharnam Girl
-"Hunter attire worn by Father Gascoigne. Similar to the hunter garb created at the workshop, only these are tainted by a pungent beastly stench that eats away at Gascoigne. "Father" is a title used for clerics in a foreign land, and there is no such rank in the Healing Church." Gascoigne's Garb
-"Let there be no doubt...If it moves, you can be sure it's a beast...And even if it doesn't, well, don't take any chances." Earlier Dialogue by Father G that was later taken out. Link

Father G is a rather tall old man wearing a round brimmed hat, a heavy silver necklace, and a long coat, similar to the Healing Church garb. He has white hair, a beard, very sharp pronounced canines, and is quite obviously blind, as he has bandages over his eyes. He wields a Hunter's Ax and a Hunter's Blunderpistol (behaves like a Blunderbuss, looks like a Pistol).
In his transformed state, he sprouts fur, claws, and grows to twice his size in bulk and height while his clothes hang on him in rags.

From the Great Bridge lamp, continue onto the bridge until you approach the Huntsman on the right side guarding a staircase. Turn left and continue down the stairs with the dog cages to the right. Go into the building across the bridge. On the right there will be some barrels that can be smashed revealing a passage. Go into the passage and run to the far right side of the room. Drop down there and go through the doorway. There will be a ladder there. Go down the ladder and turn right, eventually reaching a small wooden platform with two ladders. Go down the first ladder and turn right again. Eventually you will see a Maneater Boar down a dark tunnel next to a ladder. Go into the alley past the boar and look for a door way to the right. Go up the ladder inside the room and when you reach the top climb the stairs to the right. A short cutscene will play.

-Weak to Fire damage especially in the second half of the fight.

Father G's arena is a large graveyard replete with lots of gravestones to get caught on. There are also lampposts and trees to be aware of as well as a giant statue in the center. To the right is a large staircase with a hole in the fence that drops down on top of a carriage with a body carrying the Red Jeweled Brooch.

First Stage:
Father G's ax is in its one handed form and he will make liberal use of his Blunderpistol. He makes it very difficult to heal up. He uses several melee attacks in this phase including a leap attack (h), dashing forward before jumping; a dragging attack (h), runs or rolls forward with ax dragging across the ground, that he will use in conjunction with a short jump attack (m),  either before or after the dragging attack. He will also do a regular swinging attack (s), where he will swing his ax diagonally twice across his chest.

Second Stage:
After a third of his health is gone, Father G will extend his ax and use the Blunderpistol less frequently. He can still do the swing attack but can also stab (s) instead of swinging a second time. The stab can also be the follow up to him rolling forwards. He will do an R2 attack (h), where he will crouch and pull the ax behind his back before swinging several times in a circle. He can still perform the short jump attack, albeit a lot slower and with heavier damage then before.

Third Stage:
He transforms into his third and final form when there is around a third of his health left. He will turn into a wolf-like creature and become much faster and more erratic. He now has very quick multiple swipes (m) and a leap attack (h), where he will jump into the air and come slamming down. A kick attack (m), where he leans back on one foot before lashing out with a foot, along with a pound attack (h), where he raises his fists above his head as a warning. He also retains the short jump attack.

-1,800 Blood Echoes
-Oedon Tomb key

Tips and Tricks:
-He can be parried in all three stages, but avoid trying to parry when he is doing any of his short jump attacks. Parrying leaves him open to quite a few visceral attacks.
-Never dodge back, always dodge to the side.
-Although the gravestones provide some cover, they are also a great place to get stuck in. Going on the staircase solves that problem while buying time to heal and can be very helpful in his third stage. Dropping down on the carriage can also buy time to heal up.
-Be liberal with Blood Vials.
-In his third stage, try to hit him with Molotov Cocktails in quick succession. Two to four typically kill him (with or without the Oil Urn) unless he transformed early because of the Tiny Music Box.
-Use the central statue as cover to heal.
-Stay close to him in his third form to avoid the leap attack.
-The Tiny Music Box can be used to stun him (he will cover his ears and hunch over), but takes a second or so to kick in. Using it three times will also trigger the third stage no matter what amount of health he has.

-Can get stuck between the tree and the carriage if he transforms too close to it. Link
-Can visceral attack him into the wall next to the staircase. Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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