Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

Ebrietas is an optional boss located in the Upper Cathedral Ward and a Great One. Gain three Insight for finding her and three for killing her. Activates the Altar of Despair Lamp upon defeat.

Special Notes: Required to enter the Great Isz Chalice Dungeons.

Ebrietas was one of the Great Ones who lay slumbering underground in the Pthumerian labyrinths. When the other Great Ones awoke and left the dungeons on the eve of the fall of the Pthumerians, they left Ebrietas behind to languish in the underground. She was eventually discovered by a group of Byrgenwerth scholars: Laurence, Micolash, and Carryl. Their fascination with her lead to them leaving Byrgenwerth to found the Healing Church to pursue research into the uses of her blood. The Church created a sect within themselves, the Choir, to care for and study her. She would gain a companion, near the end of the Church’s reign, in the form of the Celestial Emissary.

References and Dialogue:
-"Remnant of the eldritch Truth encountered at Byrgenwerth. Use phantasms, the invertebrates known to be the augurs of the Great Ones, to partially summon abandoned Ebrietas. The initial encounter marked the start of an inquiry into the cosmos from within the old labyrinth, and led to the establishment of the Choir." Augur of Ebrietas, used by upper members of the Healing Church such as Iosefka, Micolash, Yurie, and Edgar
-It is possible that the Ebrietas in the Chalice Dungeons exists in the Pthumerians' version of the Nightmare of Mensis and isn't the true Ebrietas but a creation of the Pthumerians' ritual.
-It is possible that the Celestial Larvae in Upper Cathedral Ward are the results of the experiments conducted on the orphans by members of the Choir.
-It is speculated that Ebrietas' "mouth" is not in fact a mouth but her mutilated head; sliced open by either the Choir or by the Pthumerians in an effort to take blood or for research as the skin appears flayed as well as reveals the eyes on the inside of her head.
-Ebrietas is Latin for "drunkenness" possibly a reference to the addictive nature of her blood.

Ebrietas, like Amygdala, has a Cthulu like appearance. She has a long vertical slit in her face, covered with tendrils around the opening and eyes lining the sides as well as two green, almost human, eyes on the outside of the slit. She has two arms ending in tentacle hands and two "legs" which resemble two snail tails trailing behind her. She also has partial wings surrounded by more tentacles that allow her to fly short distances. She slightly resembles a slug.

From the Lumenflower Gardens Lamp, break through the large window behind and continue along the balcony. At the back of the room there will be two Celestial Minions; operate the lift and head down the passage where you will enter Ebrietas' arena.

-Old Hunter Damian of Mensis is the only summon available. He wields a threaded cane and uses mostly Arcane attacks like the Augur of Ebrietas. His summoning bell is located to the left of the doorway leading into Ebrietas' arena.

-Weak to Bolt

Ebrietas' arena is a large pool of water with rock walls on the side. The entrance is a narrow passage and the end has a large statue in the middle. There are lots of nooks along the walls to beware of.

First Stage:
Ebrietas mainly uses melee attacks in the first half of the fight. She can do a head slam (h) that also has a partial flight variant, a very slow tentacle swing (h), and a frenzy inducing grab attack (h), which will one shot most players. She can also do a torso drop attack (h), where she will raise both tentacles above her head and bring her whole torso smashing down. Also, she can fly short distances (s) where take offs and landings can do some damage as well as a charge attack (h); she will rear up before leaning forward to run at you, the tentacles do the most damage in this instance. She may also spit blood that induces frenzy.

Second Stage:
Signalled by Ebrietas casting an "aura" around herself of Arcane particles at around fifty percent health, these will damage you when you are in melee range. She also begins spewing blood and will now use Arcane attacks, such as a Call Beyond (h), which will be signaled by a glowing blue light above her head. They will hit in a volley of three.

-28,800 Blood Echoes
-Great Isz Chalice

Tips and Tricks:
-Option One: Use the summon. This makes the fight a little easier as you can switch off her focus between you and Damian. It will keep her from using her blood spewing attack and a Call Beyond as one of you will always be up against her restricting her to melee attacks. Be aware that in higher NGs she will most likely kill him in ten seconds so he's essentially worthless. Also make sure to hold her attention as much as possible otherwise he will die pretty quickly. Just use him as some respite to heal.
-Option Two: Shoot her in the head with a Cannon and drop her down. Visceral attack her, run up and Charge R2 to Visceral Attack again. Repeat. Evelyn upgraded with Bone Marrow Ash is equally viable.
-Option Three (Next Safest): "Orbiting" method. Circle around her just out of range of her melee attacks and after she has completed one of her attacks rush in to attack her chest or, preferably, her head. You can also use a long range weapon, Ludwig's Holy Blade or the Burial Blade, to R2 into her head drop attack (the version with her slamming her tentacles as well).
-Option Four: Stay close to her body and try to stay behind her while getting in hits when you can.
-Option Five: Provoke the head slam by hitting her in the chest and backing off only to return and attack her head. This is dangerous as the head slam can turn into a charge attack.
- Any weapon with Kin or Bolt damage is preferable. Something with a long overhead hit can keep hitting her head and staggering her.

-Ebrietas will be passive if killed in another hunter's world and you touch the Lamp. When you are transported back to your world go in the elevator and use the Bold Hunter's Mark. When spawned you will be in the boss arena and she will be passive. Link

Damage Indicator:
Slight damage (s)
Moderate Damage (m)
Heavy Damage (h)
Stun (st)

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