Monday, April 11, 2016

Blood Dreg

Blood Dreg:
"The Vilebloods of Cainhurst, blood-lusting hunters, see these frightful things in coldblood.

They often appear in the blood of echo fiends, that is to say, the blood of hunters.Queen Annalise partakes in these blood dreg offerings, so that she may one day bear a Child of Blood, the next Vileblood heir."

Special Notes: The blood dreg bears an uncanny resemblance to sperm.

Covenant Uses:
-Gives +1 in Vileblood rankings when offered to Queen Annalise.

Offline Acquisition:
-Kill Hunter NPC's with the Corruption Rune equipped.

Special Notes:
-Blood Dregs grant Insight when consumed from your inventory.

Online Acquisition:
-Kill Invaders with the Corruption Rune equipped.

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